House Tjong Toen Phang is one of the historic buildings in Belitung
province, even including the protected cultural heritage objects Law of
the Republic of Indonesia Number 5 of 1992 on Cultural Heritage.Captain
Phang home Tjong Toen is one of the historical buildings in the city of Tanjungpandan. It painted white and located between a row of shops near the
intersection of various road Endek Tanjungpandan Pacific Islands region.
If you shop at the market Tanjungpandan and through the road, you will see the historical building.
Phang Tjong Toen known
in his time as a captain as well as mine clerk since John F. Loudon began opening in Belitung tin mining in 1853. To settle on the island of Belitung, Captain Phang Tjong Toen built a house typical architecture. The house was probably built in 1868 or approximately 143 years old. However, despite more than 100 years old, the building still looks intact.
Captain Phang Tjong Toen house is a protected cultural heritage objects, but it's not owned by the government. Captain
Phang Tjong Toen house measuring 25.65 x 32.90 meters with a land area
of 54.30 x 30 meters. The building is made of concrete that is still preserved. Captain Phan Tjong Toen home was once a gathering place for
entrepreneurs managers tin sand.
Everyone who cares, hope the government will keep objects that are considered as cultural heritage in the Pacific
Islands region . Because the city is known Tanjungpandan save a lot of
history and stories that have become the hallmark of true Tanjungpandan
These pictures I took when I visited the island in September 2012 ago.
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