When engaging a job in Solo, I idly walks into a building of sugar mill in the suburb of Solo. Here let me tell you from a variety of sources and their photo-photo I took with a digital camera.
Previously, Mangkunegara IV ordered an expert on German national, R. Kampf to build a sugar factory. The laying of the first stone on Sunday, December 8, 1861. Cost of construction of the plant reached 400,000 f whose capital largely derived from loans that resulted from the coffee plantation profits Mangkunegaran. It also received debt relief from major Chinese in Semarang Be Biauw Tjwan, close friend of Mangkunegara IV. In 1862 the sugar factory is ready for operation. In the opening ceremony of the factory Mangkunegara IV gives the name of the first factory Colomadu, a Javanese name means mountain honey. There is no official explanation of why using the term, but when viewed in the tradition of Javanese rulers hence the name contains an expectation that the presence of the sugar industry into savings Praja Mangkunegaran wealth in the form of large amounts of sugar granules to resemble a mountain.
A monument (sculpture of Mangkunegara IV), which is located across from the PG Colomadu area | |
Detail writing on monument |
Front gate of the PG Colomadu looks |
Although the sugar mill was not in operation, these gates are still preserved |
Nameplate outside sugar mills area |
Nameplate inside sugar mills area |
When I enter the gate, on the right there is a building that use as security posts. There is a bell that functions as a sign or information of change working hours. And located across it there is a building that use as the office of the head of security.
Security Post |
Old bell outside the security post |
Office of the head of security |
Continue the journey, after passing through the security post, I went into a building that turned out to have across various kinds of functions in it. There are at least 3 buildings function that I can conclude, that are the Sasana Krida (sports), library and room of archives. In the Sasana Krida there are tennis courts, mini bar and toilets.
A perspective Sasana Krida building |
Looks from the inside Sasana Krida Building |
Dedication plaque for the building Sasana Krida renovation |
Tennis courts behind the building Sasana Krida |
Dressing rooms in the Sasana Krida building |
Condition of toilets in the Sasana Krida building |
Mini bar in the Sasana Krida building |
I had some architecture detail record. Nothing unique except circular (round) window that I think rarely used by contemporary architects nowadays. Boven licht shaped diamonds used in this building. Then there is the natural stone wall along the building facade which prevents dirty due to rain splashed.
Window with the middle hinge |
The main entrance to the tennis courts, the hinge opens out |
Nako glass, frosted glass and the room's nameplate at the library |
Broken door and the room's nameplate in the room of archives |
Round window |
An internal announcement to employees, dated July 20, 2004
Then I turn right from direction Sasana Krida, there is mushola (small praying building) that still appeared good. To the next building, there is a magnificent building which looks empty but well maintained. The building is called Ndalem Besaran. It is the official residence of Chief Administrator of this plant, in this house Mangkunegoro would normally rest when reviewing Colomadu Sugar Factory.
Dedication plaque for the Mushola |
View from Mushola to Ndalem Besaran |
Ndalem Besaran |
Looks from the front Ndalem Besaran |
Gazebo in front of Ndalem Besaran |
Ndalem Besaran building has become a heritage building with a sculpture of Mangkungegoro IV that is located across the street this factory. Although still well preserved but apparently still need more serious attention if we viewed in detail the condition of this building.
The condition of the stairs and pots from pans to cook |
The condition of the lights and floor on the side of the building |
The damaged at column on the front porch |
Then towards the largest building which is a sugar factory itself, I can only look with amazement. The building which has a giant chimney is abandoned and nearly damaged. The machines with the giant size and the original are also abandoned and rusting. According to the employeer that I had talked to, parts off the machinehad also been in for use in other sugar mills.
Front view of the main building |
Sugar factory building |
The entrance to the factory |
Condition of the machine in the factory |
In front of the main building, there are daycare bikes for employees who work in the factory. There is also a railroad that serves to connect the garden with factory, transporting raw materials sugar cane.
Railroads for transporting sugar cane |
Bicycle parking |
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